Get up and Eat!

A timely and powerful read.

Karina's Thought


Hello dear readers. In my previous post titled “Never give up”, we’ve learned something from the story of Elijah. We have learned although we could successful overcome big problems, we also could stumble to the small problems and it makes us depressed and want to give up. With God Elijah was successful defeated the 450 Baal’s prophet but it turns out Elijah was really scared when Jezebel threatened him. He depressed and wanted to die. (1 Kings 19:4 NIV)

Well, in this post I want to continue the Elijah’s story. Let’s look further what happened after he came to broom bush and prayed. Let’s have a look what the God’s answer of his prayer. After Elijah prayed, he lay down under the bush and fell asleep, and then an angel came touched him and said: “Get up and eat.”(1 Kings 19:5 NIV) Here there are…

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You are on the Titanic and the ship is taking on floods of water. You are well versed on Navel books that taught you enough to know the ship is doomed, and you are going to lose friends and love ones. You have three (3) choices:

1. Give up and tell everyone it is well deserved.

2. Pretend everything is okay.

3. Do everything in your power to bring as many people to safety as possible – if possible.

If you have chosen #1, well, I think we all know it is well deserved for ALL of us. And give up? Really?

If you have chosen #2, you are very foolish to deny the truth and refuse to see the tragedy that is about to happen.

If you have chosen #3, thank you for helping me even though I don’t deserve it.

The Titanic is America. And we are taking on floods of sin. But what good is it to get angry, point fingers, and complain? That doesn’t mean we ignore the coming flood that is about to hit our nation, in fact, we need to sound the alarm and wake up the entire country! We need to pray, to preach repentance, and to love people as we never did before! I love what someone once said: We need to pray as though everything depended on God and labor as though everything depended on us.” For the sake of Jesus, our love ones, and for everyone our Lord and Savior went to the cross for – let us all come together and show the world what real Christianity is!

May God richly bless you – and yes, I am still praying that God continues to bless America. I know some may have a difficult time believing that America can still be blessed, but if we repent, why not? I’m old school. I still believe nothing is impossible for God.

Crazy Thing Called…LOVE

Karina's Thought


There is an interesting song I found when my husband watching a video concert of Michael Buble. The song titled “Crazy little thing called love” That song says that love is a crazy thing. Well, I do agree and disagree. I do agree that love is a crazy thing because there is an incredible power behind the love. Love could change something impossible become possible. Love can move our heart to do any crazy things. Love can make us willing to do unreasonable things, or we might even be willing to sacrifice and be ready to die for the sake of someone we love. Love has a crazy power that’s able to break the wall of difference and unify the humankind diversity. Love makes the world go around! I am disagreeing if it is said in the song that love is a little thing! Love is a great thing! There…

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There can be Miracles, When We Believe

Karina's Thought


Hello my dear readers! My post this evening inspired by a song that I heard unintentionally when I was in CD music store this afternoon. The song was a movie soundtrack of Prince of Egypt titled “when you believe” There is a part of the song lyric that makes me thinking and ponders something. There is a lyric in the chorus says, “There can be miracles, when you believe”

I am thinking about our life, especially in our Christian life. Belief oftentimes becomes a serious problem. We are really hard to believe when we are talking about God’s miracles. Without we realize God’s miracle often fails to happen not just because God doesn’t care or doesn’t hear our cries, but in fact caused by our doubt or disbelief. There are so many wonderful and amazing God’s promises that are able to provide the salvation assurance and the life full of…

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We are The Clay

A wonderful post. Filled with wisdom and grace.

Karina's Thought

We are the Clay -Karina's thought

Few days ago got surprised! When I entered my work room, there was a flower bouquet on my table. Which made me more surprised was, the flower made by Play-Doh. Then my secretary said, “Ma’am, I made it for you. It might not been perfect. I am still learning” Looking at the “play-doh” flowers, reminds me when I was 10 my parents took me to Madame Tussauds museum and afterward I was very interested to create mini figures or characters like wax sculpture in Madame Tussauds. Strongly remembered I could spend many hours in my play room expressing my imagination and creativity to create figures or characters I liked. At the time, I really love made characters in fairy tale such as sleeping beauty, Cinderella, or other characters. With highly patient and carefulness I mold it carefully, paint it, and gave the details on its character in order looks…

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